About Kelly

Kelly grew up in a family with 6 kids.  She has two sisters and 3 brothers and fits in at number three.  She is very close to her parents, especially her mom and loves it when she comes out to visit in Colorado.  Kelly has always enjoyed being social and having lots of close friends.  She has a gift of being able to make many friends quickly and forming close relationships with them.  They all seem to come to her for advice, to talk, to play, or just hang out. 

Growing up she competed in gymnastics, cheered, danced and was on the drill team.  Being active is still important to her today.  She hikes, bikes, works out regularly and maybe the biggest work out of all, chases Talon around 24/7!

Kelly graduated from the University of Utah with a double major in Psychology and Sociology.  Although she never worked in her field she still has a love for people and is always there to console a friend or family member.  Kelly excelled working as a project manager for about 6 years before she resigned for an even better job of being a stay at home mom.

Kelly enjoys creating- sewing, home decorating, photography and many other projects.  She's always looking to learn something fun and new.  Over the past few years, it's been truly amazing to see her learn and perfect so many new skills.  Kelly has the patience and know-how to teach herself new things.  Neighbors and friends are always coming to her to either learn how to do these crafts, or just ask her to make them one.  Possibly her greatest attribute is her selflessness.  Always dedicating her time to family and others.   She loves to plan and host parties and had an especially good time planning Talon's first friend airplane themed birthday party.

She is the best mother and loves being a mom too!  Talon loves to be with Mommy.  The first thing he does in the morning is ask for mom, walk around to her side of the bed, or find her in the house.  The rest of the day is spent trying to be by her side.  Kelly loves Talon and spends much of her time and efforts to making our home happy, clean, and healthy.  I'm so thankful to have her in my life!

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